
Is STPM The RIGHT Choice For You?

Should I take STPM? Is STPM or Form 6 the right choice? Form 6 experiences. The Theoretical Doctor. Form 6 in SIGS, JB.

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Have you just completed your SPM or recently graduated from high school and is unsure on which pre-university course to embark on?

First of all, if you have just recently completed Form 5 or is due to, Congratulations! You’ve finally made it till the end of high school!

The problem or dilemma now is, which course to embark upon completion of STPM?

Most of the degree courses in Malaysia is a 4 to 5-year-journey. Regardless, that’s the amount of time you would have to wait before you graduate and start practicing in your chosen profession.

Personally, I went through Form 6 in Malaysia (STPM) and it was an informed decision I made after much thought and rejected my offer into the Malaysian Matriculation System. I knew that embarking on this almost 2-year-journey was for me.

Henceforth, I am here to offer insight on factors I’ve taken into consideration before making that final decision and I hope that at the end of this article, you will be able to.

1. What Is STPM?

STPM (Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia) is a 1 year 6 months journey that consists of 3 semesters. There is a total of 4 subjects to be taken and General Studies (Pengajian Am) is a compulsory subject.

I took General Studies (Pengajian Am), Mathematics T, Chemistry & Biology.

STPM or Form 6 is divided into Lower 6 and Upper 6. Lower 6 for Semester 1 and Upper 6 for Semester 2 and 3. In addition to that, Form 6 is conducted in high schools that offers the Form 6 education and certain colleges as not every high school offers Form 6.

Hence, yes, you will be in high school for another 1 and a half years. However, fret not, you have more autonomy over the choice of clothes you wear. Depending on the level of strictness enforced by your school pf course.

While I was in Form 6, the dress code enforced on us were smart casual or formal. For ladies, if we were to wear skirts or dresses, it had to be below knee length and with sleeves. In addition to that, we had to wear covered shoes.

Hence, I wore a lot of dresses during my time in Form 6 as the environment in high school was very warm and it was just easier for me as I did not have to worry if my tops matches my skirt or pants. Plus, I loved to dress up.

Dr. Jewel Nambiar and Evina Seow Pei Li, Sultan Ibrahim Girls' School (SIGS), Johor Bahru

You also have the option of wearing traditional outfits such as baju kurung, baju kebaya or even punjabi suits.

As you can see in the picture, my friend wore a skirt and a shirt. This used to be the standard uniform for all Form 6 but with a white shirt and neck tie instead. Our batch were the first to be given the autonomy on dress code.

So, I’m back in high school. Does that mean I still have to join “aktiviti kokurikulum”?

Sadly, yes.

However, we only have 1 body of uniform in Form 6 which is Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS).

2. Where Do You Intend On Studying For Your Degree?

Are you planning to pursue into public institutions such as University Malaya, Universiti Sains Malaysia or into private institutions or maybe even abroad?

It is important to know beforehand as private institutions in Malaysia usually provide their own Foundation Programmes which usually provides an easier pathway to be accepted into their Degree Programme.

Hence, if you are sure on the private institution that you will be continuing on, it may be good to reconsider this.

However, if you are interested in pursuing your tertiary education in public institutions, STPM provides an opportunity as other pre-university programmes such as A-Levels or Foundation Programmes provided by private institutions may not provide an easy pathway into public institutions.

Basically, once you go private, it’s difficult to get back into public institutions.

Aside from private and public institutions in Malaysia, perhaps, you may be considering to apply abroad? In that case, STPM does provide an opportunity as STPM is widely recognised and accepted in almost all the institutions around the world, similar to A-Levels as compared to the Malaysian Matriculation.

3. Money Factor

This is important.

Is money a factor? Perhaps you’ve tried to apply into the Malaysian Matriculation Programme and was not accepted?

In addition to that, are you on a scholarship? Or intending to apply for scholarship? Or perhaps money is not a factor at all?

For me, money was not a factor and my parents wanted me to pursue A-Levels. However, I wasn’t interested in spending around 5 figures for a course similar to STPM only to further continue down the path of private institution. I wanted my options to be vast.

Read more on why I chose to pursue STPM.

If you are intending to apply for scholarship, doing STPM puts you in the position to be able to apply. The same goes for A-Levels.

However, if you are already on a scholarship programme, you may want to reconsider your decision. Form 6 is definitely not a breeze through programme and you are required to achieve or maintain certain pointers in order to remain in your scholarship programme.

Thus, do take that into consideration. Other courses may be better in terms of calculated risks.

If money is a factor, Form 6 is a free programme under the public education of Malaysia. You would only be required to pay for fees if you choose to sit for the remedial papers which during my time, costs RM50 per paper.

4. Commitments?

Are you currently working or having a side hustle? Perhaps you have a family or is the breadwinner or a major contributor to your family?

This is important as though the amount of subjects in Form 6 / STPM is only four, the amount of work required for you to invest would be astronomical.

The leap from Form 5 to Form 6 is HUGE as there is a gigantic learning gap between these 2. STPM is internationally recognised and the syllabus, though similar to A-Levels, is way condensed and harder than that.

Hence, you are required to invest long hours in understanding and learning the foundations and concepts or may even need to attend extra classes or tuitions.

Thus, having extra commitments on the side may hamper your efforts to study due to time factor.

5. Are You Being Pressured?

Why are you even considering STPM?

Is it family pressure? Are you interested in pursuing it because your friends are doing it? Or is it due to societal pressure that you should continue studying regardless of whichever pathway?

Do not let all those get to you. You need to make your own informed decision on why the STPM programme is the choice for you. It is YOUR journey.

Personally, I feel that no one should embark on this STPM journey unless they really want to.

“No choice” does not cut it because the STPM Programme is a very condensed programme and 1 year and a half is extremely short, considering the amount of information needed to be absorbed by you in addition to the learning gap from Form 5 to Form 6.

6. Is This What You WANT?

Seriously though, is it?

For me, it was a firm YES.

I wanted to do Form 6 and I was sure on my decision and hence, even on tough days, I was able to continue because it was not mentally challenging for me as it does for a person who is not interested in pursuing Form 6, this can be a miserable time for them.

These are the handful tips I’ve taken into consideration while deciding to embark on my Form 6 journey.

I recalled being called foolish by certain people and teachers for rejecting my offer letter into the Malaysian Matriculation Programme. However, it was my journey and by far, my favourite year in high school.


I made the best of it and had a blast. Hence, take your time and make your own informed decision.

Please remember that if you do choose to embark on this journey, jump with both your feet and have that firm YES.

All the very best!

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