Daily Dose

Losing Myself In Writing

A short blog on what I lose myself in.

Daily Dose, Housemanship Diaries, Second Posting (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

Being The ANSC (Antenatal Specialist Clinic) House Officer – Housemanship Diaries

A short blog regarding my experience as a House Officer in the Antenatal Specialist Clinic (ANSC) in the O&G Posting.

Daily Dose, Housemanship Diaries, Second Posting (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

Being the EPAU (Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit) House Officer – Housemanship Diaries

A short blog regarding my experience as a House Officer in the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) in the O&G Posting.

Daily Dose

A Year’s Reflection

A short reflection on the question "Is life what I pictured a year ago?".